
Pic courtesy: Internet

I have counted the hours

my neighbour’s child could stay hungry

Before dropping dead.

I know from watching my dear friend’s spiral to death,

how long I will stay conscious without food or water.

Before my child and I run out of time,

I need to reach the UN feeding center.

I’ve long searched the skies for air relief.

But all I see are Vultures circling.

I will die a thousand deaths,

before I let the vulture have my child.

I know no guns or why they are wielded.

I care not who rules or who has power.

I don’t know why the rebels won’t let help reach us.

But my child is fighting death,

Is it too much to ask,

to not let the Vulture have my child today?

It will be easy to surrender to darkness.

Oblivion is enticing.

But the Vulture stalking my child

reminds me why I should stay awake.

The scorching sun and the searing ground burns me,

My athirst and famished body is failing me,

The Vulture stalking us is not happy,

But I will walk the last ten miles.

For the greedy bird can have me,

But it will not have my child.

Not today.

Not ever.

One Comment

  1. Anonymous says:

    Excellent post


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